Learn about Arduino Education courses and other projects that use Arduino Cloud.
Courses & Kits
Explore IoT Rev2
Harness the power of Arduino Cloud to gather data, understand how devices communicate with each other, and which tools to use to facilitate communication. Learn about data management, analysis, and computational thinking.
The course can be completed using the Arduino Explore IoT Kit Rev2.
View the Explore IoT Rev2 course
Explore IoT
Innovate, create, transform: take your first step in building internet-connected objects.
The course can be completed using the Arduino Explore IoT Kit.
Preview the Explore IoT course
*A kit registration code or paid Arduino Cloud plan is required.
Oplà IoT Kit
Get started on the fundamental concepts of the Internet of Things using the Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 with the MKR IoT Carrier.
The course can be completed using the Arduino Oplà IoT Kit, which includes a 12-month trial for the Arduino Cloud Maker plan.
Greenhouse Kit
Learn how to use innovative technology to boost sustainability by creating an automated greenhouse.
Preview the Greenhouse Kit course
View the Greenhouse Kit course*
*A kit registration code or paid Arduino Cloud plan is required.
With templates, you can get started with various projects using Arduino Cloud.