The Arduino SIM service is not available to new customers. If you have an unactivated Arduino SIM card, please contact us.
Learn about network coverage for the Arduino SIM service.
Check coverage for your country
Follow these steps to check if Arduino SIM has coverage in your country:
Scroll down and review the 2G, 3G, 4G, and LPWAN Coverage Map.
Optionally, use the controls to filter by country, continent, or network type.
To use Arduino SIM, your country needs to have 2G or 3G coverage.
About 2G and 3G network sunsets
2G and 3G have been sunsetted (decommissioned) in many countries, including the United States.
If 2G and 3G have been sunsetted in your country, Arduino SIM will not work.
To learn more, see 2G and 3G network sunsetting (Pelion).