Learn how to connect a board to the Arduino Science Journal app. In this article:
Compatible boards
The Science Journal can be used with the following boards:
- Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 (with the Science Carrier, or Science Carrier Rev2)
- Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense
- Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense Rev2
- Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect (by itself, or with the Science Carrier R3)
The MKR WiFi 1010 needs to be connected using the Science Carrier, which is only available in the Arduino Science Kit Physics Lab.
Set up your board
Upload the Science Journal firmware:
- If your board came with a Science Kit, it will have the the required firmware out-of-the-box.
- If you’re using a board not included in a Science Kit, an individually bought board replacement, or have flashed the board with different firmware, see Upload the Science Journal firmware.
If you’re using a Science Carrier: Connect the board to the Science Carrier, ensuring that the pins (e.g., A1, A2) align properly.
Power the setup, via a USB cable to the board or otherwise.
Connect the Science Journal app
Open the Science Journal app.
Open or create a new experiment.
Tap the Edit button in the bottom-right.
Tap Sensors.
Open settings by tapping the cogwheel button in the top right.
Scroll down to Available devices and find the “Arduino Boards” category. Tap to to expand it (you may have to scroll down for the revealed items to show).
Tap your device name to connect.
Make sure you’re expanding the Arduino Boards category
Under Available Devices, the arrow next to Arduino Boards should be pointing downwards (if not, tap it). You may have to swipe down to see the list.
The board may already be added
If both the Internal sensors and the board sensor categories are expanded, they can be mistaken for a single category. Try swiping up, and tap to collapse the Internal sensors category. Your board may appear below.
Ensure your libraries are updated
If you’re experiencing connectivity issues, it may be due to outdated libraries. Verify in that the Arduino_ScienceJournal
and Arduino_BMI270_BMM150
libraries are both updated to their latest version in the Library Manager in Arduino IDE.
Alternatively, you can download and manually install the latest versions from the releases pages: