In this article, we will go through a step-by-step process on how to get the latest Wi-Fi firmware on your GIGA R1 WiFi board.
Before you begin
- Add the Arduino Mbed OS Giga Boards to Arduino IDE using the Boards Manager.
Connect your GIGA R1 WiFi to your computer using a USB-C cable.
Select your board in the board selector, or use the Tools > Port and Tools > Board menus.
Open the
sketch by selecting File > Examples > STM32H747_System > WiFiFirmwareUpdater in the menu bar. -
Upload the sketch, wait for the upload to complete and then open the Serial Monitor.
If you get a message like:
Searching for WiFi firmware file 4343WA1.BIN ... A WiFi firmware is already installed. Do you want to install the firmware anyway? Y/[n]
Enter and send
to continue. -
Wait until you get the message
Firmware and certificates updated!
in the serial monitor.