The esp32 package maintained by Arduino has been renamed to Arduino ESP32 Boards.
Version 2.0.10 of the esp32 board package introduced a bug[1][2] that would cause compilation to fail for some Windows and Linux users.
These issues have been fixed in 2.0.11 and later. Upgrade the board package to resolve the issue.
Scope of the error
Users of Arduino IDE 2 where the
folder path contained a space (typically in the user folder name) were affected. -
Example error output:
Access is denied. cmd /c type nul > "C:\\Users\\Hannes" "Siebeneicher\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\arduino\\sketches\\2B717D34C8CC4EA7678C7773DD033E96/file_opts" exit status 1 Compilation error: exit status 1
Users of Arduino IDE 1 that had installed the software using APT (Advanced package tool) were affected.
Example error output:
Compiling core... bash -c "echo '-DARDUINO_CORE_BUILD' > /tmp/arduino_build_925905/file_opts" >: -c: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `'' >: -c: line 2: syntax error: unexpected end of file exit status 2 Error compiling for board Adafruit ESP32 Feather.
Fix the issue by upgrading the board package to 2.0.11 or later:
Open the Boards Manager by clicking the button in the sidebar (IDE 2) or select Tools > Board > Boards Manager in the top menu bar.
Search for “esp32” to show the Arduino ESP32 Boards (Arduino) and esp32 (Espressif Systems) board packages.
One or both of these packages will display the text
"2.0.10 installed"
. If you have packages are installed, it is recommended to update both to the latest version. Move your cursor to the board package row, and click the Update button (the latest available version is selected by default).- In IDE 1, you need to move your mouse cursor inside the board package row to reveal the Update button. Also, the option menu for version selection will not show if only one newer version is available. In this case, just click Update to install 2.0.11.
Wait while Arduino IDE updates the board package.