IDE Settings
- Select programmer in Arduino IDE
- Run arduino_debug.exe (Windows)
- If your board runs the sketch twice
- About mdns-discovery
- Find sketches, libraries, board cores, and other files on your computer
- Open the Sketchbook folder
- Open the Arduino IDE installation folder
- Use a custom theme for Arduino IDE 1
- If you get unexpected zeroes using Serial.parseInt() or Serial.parseFloat()
- Use verbose output in the Arduino IDE
- If a sketch is in the INCOMPATIBLE category
- Enable autocomplete in IDE 2
- Modify the buffer size of the Wire library
- How to update the core of your Arduino Board
- Change the language in Arduino IDE
- Change text and display size settings in Arduino IDE
- Menu text in the IDE is displaying random characters
- Arduino IDE won't open; The cloud file provider is not running
- Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine (Windows)
- Open the Arduino15 folder
- Error "Could not find the main class." when launching the Arduino IDE
- Can I use a different IDE to program the Arduino board?
- Can I program the Arduino board in C?
- Arduino IDE and cygwin conflict on Windows
- Add third-party platforms to the Boards Manager in Arduino IDE
- COM port number changes when connecting board on different ports or in bootloader mode
- Uninstall libraries from Arduino IDE
- When I type some function or statement, it doesn’t turn orange
- How to submit a third-party library to the Arduino Library Manager